Most people who want to travel by air during this period of COVID-9 have several concerns ranging from when to get the coronavirus test London to their travel requirements. They are plagued with questions like ‘how safe is air travel?’ ‘Is cancelling my trip necessary?’ ‘Can I shorten my trip?’ and several other vital questions.

Getting the right answers would help you make an informed decision that will keep you and others around you safe.
After I have booked a flight, is it possible to cancel for fear of the coronavirus?
This would depend on the kind of ticket you bought and whether or not you have the right travel insurance. A regular travel insurance plan will not be applicable if you cancel your flight due to the fear of a coronavirus outbreak. You may need to get a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) insurance policy.
This insurance policy is fast becoming popular due to the coronavirus outbreak. For your CFAR policy to be effective, you need to get the insurance a few weeks before you book for the flight and this insurance policy covers only about 75% of the cost.
How do I get the right Air travel insurance plan?
Getting the right insurance policy depends on several factors, as no insurance policy fits everyone. It would be best if you considered your age, the duration of the trip, and what you want the plan to cover before choosing your insurance policy. Before you buy any insurance policy, make sure you read the contract to know if it covers specific scenarios like the delay of flight or sickness.

What happens if I cancel a booked flight due to a coronavirus outbreak?
Some airlines have waived fees for changing a flight ticket bought between a certain period. If your flight date falls outside this period, you should still try asking the airline to consider your situation. You should try being polite and explain the situation, and you might be lucky to get a waive for the rescheduling your flight.
What happens if I decide to cut my Air Travel short because of an outbreak at my travel destination?
Most travel insurance policies do not cover ending a trip earlier than expected, but if you have a CFAR policy, it could cover part of the initial cost of your trip. The insurance policy may also cover the cost of returning home.
Is domestic travelling safer for my health than international travelling?
The safety of international and domestic flights depends on the situation. You may want to avoid countries with a high number of coronavirus cases. Although some international travels are risky at the moment, domestic trips are not free from risks.
Within the country, some areas have a higher number of reported cases of the infection. Community transmission of the virus is still on the rise and at some point, being in your area may be as risky as travelling to a different country.
Is it better to avoid air travels for safety because, whether or not I travel, I would breathe in recycled air?
The air in aeroplanes is clean because it is recirculated through HEPA filters. Research shows that these filters are effective in removing impurities from the air. In a way, the air you breathe in an aeroplane may be cleaner than the one at your office or home.
The fact that airlines have high incentives for maintaining the ventilation systems in their aeroplane makes it easier for them always to change their HEPA filters. Changing the HEPA filters regularly reduces the drag on the engines of the plane, and this reduces the rate of fuel consumption.
Transmission of the novel coronavirus is not by air but through mucous and fluid droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. These fluids do not travel more than 2 meters (six feet), but if the fluid touches a surface and you have contact with the surface, you can get the coronavirus.
To protect yourself and people around you, you need to take the necessary precaution like coughing or sneezing into your elbow, washing your hands often, keeping your hands off your mouth, nose and eyes.
Washing your hands always, especially after you go to the bathroom and after touching high-contact surfaces like doorknobs is key to curtailing the spread of the coronavirus. You may also use a hand sanitiser containing at least 60% alcohol.
How clean are aeroplanes?
Before you book a flight with an airline, check their sanitisation policy. Most airlines are taking sanitation of their aeroplanes seriously. Some airlines have removed the option of self-serving on international flights, and they are engaging in thorough cleaning of the high-contact surfaces.
The cleaning policy of some airlines includes seats and bathroom door handles, handles of luggage compartments, and overhead air vents.
It would help if you also took extra precaution by having your disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces like armrests, seat belts and tray tables before you touch them because the turnaround time of some airlines is short. Alternatively, you could put a little amount of hand sanitiser on a tissue and wiping these surfaces.
The viability of the virus on different material varies from a few hours to a couple of days. Try to be cautious about surfaces your touch to avoid getting the virus from any of these surfaces.
Before you travel and when you return, it is essential to get your COVID 19 test London. If you notice any symptom of the virus, contact Blood London on 020 71830244 to get tested for the coronavirus.